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Private tour of Christiansborg Palace  -

Are you interested to know about Denmark’s royal history in a very special way? Then brace yourself for the best-hidden experience: Christiansborg Palace private tour – where you will have a chance to go behind-the-scenes of this magnificent building.

Imagine this; you walk through grand corridors decorated with tapestries that are centuries old and look up at sparkling chandeliers, which have seen more drama than any Netflix series you’ve ever watched. But here is the twist; you are not just one among many others milling around in search for something fascinating. Not at all. You and your group will be treated like celebrities – given exclusive access to areas within the palace that are normally off limits during public visits.

When stepping into Christiansborg Palace, prepare yourself to be transported back into time when kings ruled over kingdoms and queens threw lavish parties fit only for royalty. Your guide, who knows everything there is to know about Danish history, will entertain you with stories of some of the greatest monarchs that ever lived starting from King Christian IV through those still alive today who call this place their home.

The thing is though… this private tour at Christiansborg Palace gets even better! In addition to being able to roam freely throughout most parts of it unlike other people visiting it would do or can’t do so because they don’t have an invitation; not only do you get access inside such luxurious interiors as Royal Reception Rooms but also pass by secret corners which no one else knows exist except staff working there.

Oh, and did we mention the view? Situated on top of a hill right in central Copenhagen city centre, Christiansborg Palaces provides stunning views out over rooftops towards horizon lines stretching far away beyond where eyesight ends while standing anywhere near its premises – let alone walking around them feeling like heaven’s ruler.

But wait! There’s more!! This visit isn’t just another opportunity for learning about past days gone by represented by different architectural styles ranging from medieval through baroque up until present times; neither is it all about listening to these funny little stories told by your guide who seems well acquainted with what used to happen behind palace walls because he’s been here many times before. No way! This trip also offers its participants a chance to discover certain hidden truths concerning life lived within such institutions as this one along with some rather scandalous events that might have taken place there too. Who knows, maybe you’ll even hear something juicy enough for catching headlines later on?

Therefore if you want a unique experience fit only for the likes of kings and queens (or anyone else interested in history), bring along your camera or dust off that imaginary crown and book yourself onto Christiansborg Palace private tour today!

For more information contact CObalt DMC Denmark

15 February 2024