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Tranquil Escape to Inle Lake With Phoenix Voyages DMC - 

Discover the serene beauty at Inle Lake with Phoenix Voyages DMC. Positioned in the middle of breathtaking landscapes, it provides a peaceful refuge where drifting gardens and the unique culture of the people of Intha create an environment of tranquility and happiness. Visit traditional villages,admire the iconic leg-rowing fishermen and dive into this picturesque place’s rich cultural tapestry.

Highlights Of Tranquil Escape to Inle Lake

Amazing Landscapes: Surrounded by plush hills and scenic views, this place has a lot of natural beauty to offer. Rest or explore as you wish with calm waters and green surroundings around you.

Gardens That Float: Have a look at these inventive floating gardens that cover the lake area. Cultivated by Intha people, these gardens are marvelous pieces of sustainable agriculture along with all other things they do contribute towards making this region different from any other place on earth.

Culture Among The People: Immerse yourself within their way of doing things! You will not regret getting involved more deeply into what some may call eccentricities; such warm reception from strangers who live differently than us can only leave lasting memories behind – won’t they?

Natural And Cultural Wonders

Traditional Villages: Come visit traditional villages lining up alongside shores or scattered throughout islands found within it while canoeing through them later on today morning. Here, one can observe local crafts such as silk weaving which produces delicate fabrics used worldwide for luxurious garments; boats being made out wood carved meticulously by hand using simple tools like knives or chisels then polished until smoothness achieved before being floated downstream where silver smiths work hard day after night producing shiny objects known locally as burmese silverwares among many other items too numerous mention here alone if we were talking about all things done here!

Leg-Rowing Fishermen: Admire the dexterity exhibited by those guys who seem like they have no bones in their legs but still manage to perform such feats on water while fishing out those slippery creatures as if it was child’s play. These men are known throughout this area because of unique skills which enable them navigate shallow areas easily without need for boats propelled using hands alone – talk about talent!

Floating Marketplaces: Take part in our vibrant floating market where locals come together every morning not only trade fresh produce from nearby gardens or crafts made inside homes but also exchange tales about life itself lived around these parts till sunset when everything starts getting quiet again till next day break comes up over eastern horizon once more bringing another round activity back into full swing mode so come early and stay late too if possible

Tour Information

Expert Guides: Our guides have thorough knowledge regarding history, culture natural wonders surrounding Inle Lake thus ensuring that tourists get most out of their visit; whether it’s about learning more concerning past events or present state affairs affecting people living around here.

Comfort and Convenience: Proper planning ensures comfortability convenience while travelling so Phoenix voyages DMC makes sure they have planned everything well which includes using quality transport means along with other personalized services provided throughout journey thus guaranteeing smoothness all through.

Authentic Experiences: We focus on giving real life experiences which enable individuals interact directly with cultural environment elements within given context. From mingling among local communities up to eating traditional dishes prepared by these folks, every part this tour has been designed make visitor appreciate authenticity that comes from being involved in various aspects such as singing dancing together among others.

Plan YourTranquil Escape to Inle Lake

Make a reservation for your peaceful retreat in Inle Lake by contacting Phoenix Voyages DMC today. This calm place surrounded by stunning sceneries and floating gardens is the best combination between cultural involvement and natural prettiness. Visit typical communities, watch Leg-Rowing Fishermen and get to know special traditions of the Intha inhabitants. Discover eternal impressions in one of the most beautiful and quiet corners on Earth — Myanmar!

26 July 2024