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DMC Myanmar

Our DMC in Myanmar is Phoenix Voyages DMC. Join us in Myanmar - Phoenix Voyages DMC is a top DMC and organises events, activities, incentives and leisure travel in Myanmar.

FITs, Groups and MICE to Myanmar

DMC Myanmar

Myanmar - a hidden gem of Southeast Asia

Welcome to Phoenix Voyages DMC, the gateway to the captivating wonders of Myanmar. We prepare an extraordinary journey through a land of ancient temples, serene landscapes, and rich cultural heritage.

With Phoenix Voyages DMC Myanmar, your clients will be transported to a realm where time stands still. Picture them exploring the majestic temples of Bagan, where thousands of ancient stupas dot the horizon, creating a breathtaking vista that is truly awe-inspiring.

Bestselling itinerary Myanmar

A journey through Ancient Temples and Tranquil Landscapes of Myanmar

‘Unveiling Myanmar’s Mystical Wonders’ is our top-selling itinerary. It is an amazing journey that will take your clients through the ethereal terrain of Myanmar with its rich culture, history and natural splendor. It has been meticulously planned to capture the essence of Myanmar so as to give a memorable experience for discerning travelers.

Day 1-3: Yangon – This incredibly journey starts from Yangon International Airport in Yangon, Myanmar’s bustling capital city before ending up at Inle Lake. Locations around Yangon can be visited such as Shwedagon Pagoda, Sule Pagoda among several other colonial buildings in downtown Yangon that are iconic.

Day 4-6 Mandalay & Bagan – Mandalay itself is a timeless beauty; therefore we take you there for excursions on U Bein Bridge which is referred to as legendary and grand Mandalay Palace. The adventure carries on into Bagan where one could see thousands of ancient temples and pagodas stretching out for miles.

Day 7-9 Inle Lake – Inle Lake lies surrounded by beautiful landscapes while floating gardens pervade everything here bringing peace and contentment everywhere on earth in this place. Inha people have their unique culture, while you can visit traditional villages or just admire well-known leg-rowing fishermen.

Days 10-12 Ngapali Beach – Complete your trip by enjoying serene Ngapali beaches along the Coastline of Ngapali Shores. Your clients would relax on sunny beaches under gentle waves of breeze, enjoy a variety of water activities or simply choose luxury beachside resorts for total relaxation.

By providing great accommodation options to these varied areas coupled with guides who know how to manage logistics all over, your tourists end up taking the most memorable vacation ever around Burma when they check-in at fantastic lodgings or guesthouses tonight.

Activities & latest news in Myanmar

Tranquil Escape to Inle Lake

Tranquil Escape to Inle Lake With Phoenix Voyages DMC - 

Discover the serene beauty at Inle Lake with Phoenix Voyages DMC. Positioned in the middle of breathtaking landscapes, it provides a peaceful refuge where drifting gardens and the unique culture of the people of Intha create an environment of tranquility and happiness. Visit traditional villages,admire the iconic leg-rowing fishermen and dive into this picturesque place’s rich cultural tapestry.

Highlights Of Tranquil Escape to Inle Lake

Amazing Landscapes: Surrounded by plush hills and scenic views, this place has a lot of natural beauty to offer. Rest or explore as you wish with calm waters and green surroundings around you.

Gardens That Float: Have a look at these inventive floating gardens that cover the lake area. Cultivated by Intha people, these gardens are marvelous pieces of sustainable agriculture along with all other things they do contribute towards making this region different from any other place on earth.

Culture Among The People: Immerse yourself within their way of doing things! You will not regret getting involved more deeply into what some may call eccentricities; such warm reception from strangers who live differently than us can only leave lasting memories behind – won’t they?

Natural And Cultural Wonders

Traditional Villages: Come visit traditional villages lining up alongside shores or scattered throughout islands found within it while canoeing through them later on today morning. Here, one can observe local crafts such as silk weaving which produces delicate fabrics used worldwide for luxurious garments; boats being made out wood carved meticulously by hand using simple tools like knives or chisels then polished until smoothness achieved before being floated downstream where silver smiths work hard day after night producing shiny objects known locally as burmese silverwares among many other items too numerous mention here alone if we were talking about all things done here!

Leg-Rowing Fishermen: Admire the dexterity exhibited by those guys who seem like they have no bones in their legs but still manage to perform such feats on water while fishing out those slippery creatures as if it was child’s play. These men are known throughout this area because of unique skills which enable them navigate shallow areas easily without need for boats propelled using hands alone – talk about talent!

Floating Marketplaces: Take part in our vibrant floating market where locals come together every morning not only trade fresh produce from nearby gardens or crafts made inside homes but also exchange tales about life itself lived around these parts till sunset when everything starts getting quiet again till next day break comes up over eastern horizon once more bringing another round activity back into full swing mode so come early and stay late too if possible

Tour Information

Expert Guides: Our guides have thorough knowledge regarding history, culture natural wonders surrounding Inle Lake thus ensuring that tourists get most out of their visit; whether it’s about learning more concerning past events or present state affairs affecting people living around here.

Comfort and Convenience: Proper planning ensures comfortability convenience while travelling so Phoenix voyages DMC makes sure they have planned everything well which includes using quality transport means along with other personalized services provided throughout journey thus guaranteeing smoothness all through.

Authentic Experiences: We focus on giving real life experiences which enable individuals interact directly with cultural environment elements within given context. From mingling among local communities up to eating traditional dishes prepared by these folks, every part this tour has been designed make visitor appreciate authenticity that comes from being involved in various aspects such as singing dancing together among others.

Plan YourTranquil Escape to Inle Lake

Make a reservation for your peaceful retreat in Inle Lake by contacting Phoenix Voyages DMC today. This calm place surrounded by stunning sceneries and floating gardens is the best combination between cultural involvement and natural prettiness. Visit typical communities, watch Leg-Rowing Fishermen and get to know special traditions of the Intha inhabitants. Discover eternal impressions in one of the most beautiful and quiet corners on Earth — Myanmar!

Timeless Exploration in Mandalay

Timeless Exploration in Mandalay with Phoenix Voyages DMC - 

Join a team from Phoenix Voyages DMC and travel deep into Myanmar, where you will find yourself in the middle of an ancient city called Mandalay. It is indeed a captivating city, full of historical sites and cultural practices that are not seen anywhere else in the world.

Highlights of Your Timeless Exploration in Mandalay

U Bein Bridge: Take a step on the legendary U Bein Bridge, which happens to be the oldest and longest teak bridge in the world. Spanning over 1.2 kilometers across Taungthaman Lake, this iconic construction provides stunning views of its surroundings during sunrise or sunset hours. You can choose to walk leisurely along it or take a peaceful boat ride underneath it while marveling at your reflection cast on still waters against backdrop villages bustling with local life.

Mandalay Palace: Another must-visit place while here would be none other than the grand Mandalay Palace that stands tall as representation for Burmese royal heritage among many other things alike. This complex used to serve as residence last Burmese King before he was dethroned by British colonial forces back then hence considered most important symbol showing Myanmar’s independence struggle against foreign domination – Visit this site not only for architectural marvel but also learn about various aspects related its design; history behind each building; restoration efforts made over years etcetera.

Cultural and Historical Immersion

Traditional Crafts: To get hands-on experience what true craftsmanship entails then do pay visit different workshops dotted around town especially those dealing with gold leaf production method; tapestry weaving techniques employed hereabouts alongside stone carving skills passed down through generations just name few examples thereof.

Local Markets: In order fully understand daily lives lived within communities residing these parts one needs only stroll along vibrant markets lining streets corners all over Mandalay city area – Here you will find everything ranging from farm fresh produce straight outta fields up until exotic souvenirs made locally by skilled hands which could serve as mementos your time spent here.

Temples and Pagodas: Visit any number of temples scattered throughout town each boasting its own unique blend serenity coupled with stunning architecture – Start off at Mahamuni Pagoda where you get see revered Buddha image then move onto Kuthodaw Pagoda known hosting world’s largest book among many other such like places.

Add-on Activities to Enhance Your Experience

  • Scenic Boat Ride: Take a slow ride across the lake close to U Bein Bridge; gentle waves created breeze blowing across water surface reflect sunlight making perfect view for taking memorable pictures while enjoying natural surroundings’ tranquility.
  • Guided Tours: Our knowledgeable guides are always ready offer detailed explanations behind every significant landmark visited during your stay within city limits hence ensuring that no part goes without being appreciated or understood fully.
  • Cultural Experiences: Do not miss out on attending some local cultural events such as dance performances or cooking classes which give deeper insight into Mandalay’s lively culture besides being fun activities themselves too!
Tour Details

Expert Guides: The crew at Phoenix Voyages DMC have vast amounts historical knowledge so don’t hesitate asking them anything related this regard since they love sharing stories about their rich past; besides this our experts also possess great understanding regarding various aspects concerning present day life thus providing insight towards both sides whenever necessary thereby making your visit more interesting.

Comfort and Convenience: During trip expect well planned itinerary complete personalized service alongside comfortable means transport used throughout journey – We want ensure that you enjoy seamless experience thus we take care even smallest details for sake convenience during entire period spent with us.

Authentic Encounters: Everything done here aims at giving visitors real encounters people places things thus creating strong connection between traveler host community hence forging lasting memories beyond mere sightseeing; Therefore, whether it involves doing business local craftsmen or exploring ancient ruins everything shall be done utmost authenticity mind.

Plan Your Timeless Exploration in Mandalay

To discover these hidden treasures and more in Mandalay, contact Phoenix Voyages DMC today. Come see what makes the U Bein Bridge so beautiful and learn about its history while visiting the grandeur of Mandalay Palace. Get lost within the streets filled with heritage sites that have been around for centuries upon centuries! Learn how this city reflects upon Myanmar’s past as well as being one of its cultural capitals.

Destination Services

Our Destination services in Myanmar

We assist with everything to make your program successful:

  • luxury accommodations in historic Yangon and Bagan
  • cultural tours to ancient temples and pagodas
  • venue search for traditional puppet shows
  • boat trips along the Irrawaddy River or Inle Lake
  • team-building activities like traditional cooking classes
  • conferences, meetings, incentives
  • gala dinners in unique settings like U Bein Bridge
  • efficient and comfortable transportation services
  • knowledgeable local guides for city tours and cultural experiences
  • domestic flights for convenient travel within Myanmar
  • restaurant bookings for authentic Myanmar cuisine
  • supplying creative ideas for your groups and FITs.
  • wellness retreats and meditation sessions in serene surroundings
  • adventurous activities like trekking in Shan State or kayaking in Ngapali
  • visits to iconic landmarks like Shwedagon Pagoda and Mandalay Palace
  • customized workshops in Myanmar arts and crafts, such as gold leaf making
  • visits to local handicraft workshops for lacquerware and weaving
  • creative ideas for unique experiences, such as hot air balloon rides over Bagan

    FITs, Groups and MICE to Myanmar

Highlights Myanmar

Experience the tranquility of Myanmar's former royal capital. Explore U Bein Bridge, serene monasteries, and witness silk weaving in this historic city.

Embark on a magical journey to Bagan's ancient temples. Marvel at sunrise or sunset, explore intricately adorned temples, and soak in the spiritual ambiance.

Inle Lake
Discover the ethereal beauty of Inle Lake. Cruise calm waters, witness leg-rowing fishermen, visit floating markets, and encounter traditional stilt villages in this captivating destination.

Unveil Myanmar's cultural heart in Mandalay. Visit Mandalay Hill, ancient palaces, witness craft-making, and marvel at panoramic views from U Bein Bridge.

Mrauk U
Embark on a captivating adventure to Mrauk U's archaeological gem. Explore ancient temples, witness stone carvings, and delve into the intriguing history of Rakhine Kingdom.

Ngapali beach
Escape to pristine shores on Myanmar's Bay of Bengal. Bask in golden sands, swim in crystal-clear waters, indulge in fresh seafood, and relax amidst palm-fringed tranquility.

Map Myanmar

Phoenix Voyages DMC Myanmar

Phoenix Voyages DMC Myanmar

Phoenix Voyages DMC
100 A, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road
Bahan Township

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