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Activities and news Antarctica

Here you find an overview of all activities and latest destination news posted about Antarctica

If you need more information about event activities, meetings, or incentives, and want to bring a group or FITs to Antarctica, please contact us.

We are here to help and are delighted to assist you.

Activities Antarctica

Stargazing in Antarctica during Polar Nights

Stargazing in Antarctica during Polar Nights

Pack your warmest mittens and prepare your clients for a night where the sun doesn’t bother to show up. That’s right—Southbound DMC is taking them to Antarctica’s polar night, where the darkness is a canvas for the most spectacular light show on Earth. If they’ve ever wondered what it’s like to walk around in a freezer with a sky full of stars and the occasional green glow, this is their chance!

Stargazing in Antarctica during Polar Nights

Stars, Constellations and a little bit of Magic

Your clients will have an opportunity to explore marvels of the polar night where daylight takes vacation. Forget Netflix – this is some real night action that has taken billions of years to make.

Highlights of the Polar Night Adventure

Stargazing led by an Astronomer:

The most knowledgeable astronomers will accompany your clients through stars they know as good as their telescope’s handle. They would narrate about ancient legends or latest discoveries while guiding them across constellations. From Orion’s Belt recognition up to seeing the Southern Cross in mindless flight, this star-gazing experience occurs more like celestial narration under cold crisp Antarctic air.

Chase Aurora Australis!

With a little luck Southern lights could be seen dancing across the sky from time to time thereby illuminating hues of green, pink and purple on it. Even the greatest cities can not produce such a bright show!

Celestial Spectacle:

Polar night offered by Antarctica gives you a chance to see cosmos nowhere else on earth can provide. The sheer clarity of sky unsullied by any artificial illumination unveils firmament densely populated with stars which evokes both humility and delight. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the universe from a truly unique vantage point.

Why Choose Southbound DMC for Your Polar Night Adventure?
  • Expert-Guided Experience: Your clients are in safe hands with Southbound DMC. Their astronomers have a passion for sharing the wonders of the universe. They might even throw in some jokes between their hints on stargazing!
  • Unmatched Nighttime Beauty: Nothing compares to pristine Antarctica’s environment when it comes to experiencing the magic of the starry night sky. The place shows true magnificence of nature, there is nothing plain about this night.
  • A memory that lasts forever: This isn't simply a tour but an eventful journey around the cosmos that your clients will remember for years. This is an adventure as exceptional as its setting; from the mesmerizing Aurora Australis to nearly tangible countless stars.
Book Stargazing in Antarctica during Polar Nights

Don't let your clients miss out on what will be one unforgettable night. Contact Southbound DMC so that you can reserve a place for them under Antarctica’s magical sky.

Join Southbound DMC for a polar night adventure—where the stars shine brighter, the auroras are more dazzling, and the memories are truly out of this world!

Weather in Antarctica

Explore the Icy Wonders of Antarctica

Explore the Icy Wonders of Antarctica with Southbound DMC

Here is a place where the earth as you know it disappears— literally. Southbound DMC invites your clients on an amazing journey to the last true wilderness on Earth – Antarctica. It’s not just another trip, but an expedition into a land where penguins outnumber people, seals sunbathe on ice floes and intrepid scientists unravel mysteries of global climate.

A Day Among Antarctica’s Enchanting Wildlife

Prepare for a Wildlife Spectacle!

Antarctica may be cold, but its host wildlife has never been warmer. Your customers will be in close contact with some of the most incredible creatures on planet earth and learn about important scientific investigations taking place in this frozen wasteland.

Highlights Explore the Icy Wonders of Antarctica

Penguins, Seals, and Seabirds—Oh My!

Forget about zoos – here you get to see everything live. Clients will go on tours that will enable them to witness some of the amazing wildlife that inhabits Antarctica. Be it watching penguins stumble or slide across ice or seeing seals at their natural habitats lazing around or majestic seabirds hovering above; one word explains this experience - magical!

Walk in the Footsteps of Scientists:

Antarctica is not only known for being home to abundant wildlife; it is also a center for ground-breaking scientific research. Your customers have an exclusive opportunity to visit research stations where scientists are busy unlocking secrets about this icy world. They study climate change as well as marine ecosystems among other things with significant implications for our planet.

Marvel at the Untouched Beauty:

To fully understand how beautiful Antarctica remains as untouched beauty must be observed firsthand. Massive chunks of ice that tower above, wide-ranging glaciers and untainted snowfields make up landscapes that seem otherworldly . This is a place where nature remains the boss and everything reminds one of how pure and untarnished earth is.

Why Choose Southbound DMC for this Explore the Icy Wonders of Antarctica Trip?
  • Authentic Encounters: Southbound DMC offers you an opportunity to experience everything that Antarctica has to offer—wildlife, science, and stunning landscapes—guided by knowledgeable local experts.
  • Educational and Awe-Inspiring: This isn’t just sightseeing; it’s a deep dive into the wonders of our planet. After visiting Antarctica, your customers will leave with greater respect for nature and scientific efforts made to preserve it.
  • A Truly Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience: Truth be told – Antarctica is not just another tourist destination. It’s the end of the world, where experiences are as rare as the landscapes. Out of this trip your customers will return with stories their friends will envy them about.
Book Your Antarctic Adventure Today

Ensure that your clients don’t miss out on this amazing journey offered by Southbound DMC in exploration because they could never forgive themselves. Contact Southbound DMC today so that we can help them plan their expedition to one of the most incredible places in the world.

Join Southbound DMC for an Antarctic expedition—where the wildlife is captivating, the landscapes are surreal, and the experience is absolutely unforgettable!

Activities Antarctica

The continent of Antarctica is a very beautiful place and untouched by human hands. We at Southbound DMC know this better than anyone else because we are the experts in creating amazing experiences within this cold desert environment.

Across the waters filled with icebergs, let your clients discover the unknown on our Zodiac boat tours led by expert guides. The visitors will be left amazed by the height of these ice formations and they can also have close encounters with different polar animals such as seals, penguins among others that live in their natural habitats. These trips offer great opportunities for photography as well as wildlife observation which bring people closer to nature’s purest form- Antarctica.

If you want an adventure like no other then go ice trekking with us through this frozen landmass called The Antarctic continent; it’s not for faint-hearted though! Our experienced guides will take you there safely armed only with knowledge about how best navigate through snow covered terrains while equipped appropriately – talk about a unique experience!

Southbound DMC Antarctica facilitates once-in-a-lifetime under-ice diving expeditions too! For those who hold diving certificates and love exploring new environments that are both strange and beautiful all at once, why not try one out here? These dives allow participants see firsthand what lies below these frozen surfaces; from colourful marine organisms thriving within them.

Moreover, we also organise visits to research stations on the continent where scientific work is being carried out. People will be able to see for themselves what kind of studies are being done there and how these relate with global climate change as well as other environmental issues affecting all parts of this planet earth including polar regions too such like Antarctica which has unique properties worth preserving forever more due to its unparalleled beauty indeed!

We strive at Southbound DMC Antarctica towards ensuring that clients have an amazing time while in the polar wilderness. Our itineraries are designed to create a close relationship between visitors and nature so that they may leave behind much cherished memories about their encounters with various aspects of life during their stay here. Let us help you plan an expedition beyond ordinary limits!

Latest destination news Antarctica


Southbound DMC Antarctica

Southbound DMC Antarctica

Southbound DMC