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Vientiane City Tour Laos

Laos’ capital city, Vientiane, is a great place to start any adventure in the country and with Phoenix Voyages leading the way, there’s no doubt that you’ll discover all its hidden secrets. A mix between cultural immersion, spiritual serenity and vibrant markets, this tour will surely make you feel like you’ve been there for years.

Highlights of the Vientiane City Tour Laos

Pha That Luang: This golden stupa is not only Laos’ most important national monument but also one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth. Marvel at its size and shape while listening to stories about its past as well as some spiritual practices connected with it.

Night Market: When evening falls over Vientiane head straight for busy night market. Here among colourful stalls selling everything from crafts to food stuffs you can soak up lively atmosphere typical for this part of town. It’s also great opportunity understand what everyday life looks like hereabouts so close but yet so different from ours!

Wat Si Saket (Temple of a Thousand Buddhas): This Buddhist temple houses thousands small statues depicting Lord Buddha various poses which were donated by believers centuries ago. Walls surrounding courtyard are lined with hundreds more such images while every available space inside too has been filled up with them – making altogether quite an impressive sight indeed!

Wat Ho Phra Keo : Originally built house Emerald Buddha image given King Rama I back when he was still Crown Prince Bangkok; later moved another location where it became known current name. Nowadays serves mainly museum religious art thus providing visitors unique opportunity see some beautiful pieces created both local foreign artists throughout history.

Alms Giving Ceremony: Every morning just before sunrise hundred or so monks line streets waiting alms offered them faithful Buddhists passing by. It is one most humbling experiences life when you realize that these people have so little yet give gladly what they can others who need it more than themselves!

Tour Details
  • Knowledgable Guides: With many years spent living in Vientiane our guides know everything there is to know about this city and its surroundings — from history to current events; temples markets; food customs etc… Their stories will bring life facts which might otherwise seem dull dry thus making your stay here truly unforgettable adventure.
  • Great Organization: Phoenix Voyages prides itself on being able take care every single detail when it comes organizing tours such as these ones. So expect nothing less than smooth transportation comfortable accommodations well crafted itinerary prepared with utmost precision just for you!
  • Customisation Options: This tour has been designed keeping mind wide range tourists’ interests may come visit capital Laos. Therefore whether history buff, shopaholic spiritual seeker – rest assured that some part time spent hereabouts be dedicated towards satisfying those desires too.

Plan Your Vientiane City Tour Laos

Get in touch with Phoenix Voyages today book yourself an unforgettable trip through Vientiane! From majestic Pha That Luang vibrant night market pious temples tranquil alms giving ceremony this journey will provide deeper understanding what makes Lao people tick while also offering chance see different parts their culture come together beautifully in one place — so don’t miss out on it!

22 July 2024