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Wieliczka Salt Mine Tour

Ever been on a tour that is both historical and jaw-droppingly cool? Look no further than the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland – where underground marvels meet with centuries-old tales to guarantee an unforgettable experience.

Imagine this: you’re standing at the entrance of a salt mine, about to descend into its depths, descending through labyrinthine passages, halls and chapels all chiseled from salt. Yes, salt! This is not your normal table salt; it’s like going back to an underground realm of kings where even chandeliers are made of crystals of salt.

There is much more as you stroll through eerie but captivating corridors full of mind blowing sculptures made of white rock that depict everything from imaginary beings to great Polish figures. It's like visiting museum except that you can find yourself 135 meters (about 443 feet) below land surface!

Among them is the legendary chapel of Saint Kinga – a breathtaking underground cathedral adorned with intricate carvings made entirely out of salt. It has become a tradition in these stories that miners would create these stunning pieces after spending hours sculpting them using their hands.

Then again, there is more! As one descends farther into the mine they will come across underground lakes which have pristine water with mirror-like surfaces reflecting the surreal beauty found on walls encrusted with salts. You could easily think you just bumped into an oasis hidden within the earth’s core.

If you are a history enthusiast, art lover or someone who loves exploring new places then Wieliczka Salt Mine has got something for everyone. So why not include this subterranean marvel in your trip itinerary? We bet our travel budget on it — it will be worth every penny.

All said and done, therefore what next? Take your camera and put on those boots because we want to take an enthralling journey through Wieliczka Salt Mine’s deeps.

For more information contact Intercrac DMC.

06 February 2024