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Ninh Binh or Mai Chau - Dinner in the Countryside

Dinner in the Countryside Ninh Binh or Mai Chau - A Taste of Authentic Vietnam: 

Do you want to start a culinary journey you have never been to before? Imagine a calm rural area, the greenest of grasses that reaches your eyesight and a Vietnamese traditional meal. Welcome to Phoenix Voyages’ Dinner in the Countryside in Ninh Binh or Mai Chau, Vietnam!

To know the real texture of Vietnam, one must surround himself with the people and share their meals that have been passed down for generations. This is what they mean when they talk about Dinner in the Countryside at Phoenix Voyages.

Let’s take Ninh Binh to begin with; it is known as “Halong Bay on land” because of its awe-inspiring karst mountains that rise from paddy fields and meandering rivers. Picture yourself having dinner here amidst this creation of nature beside towering cliffs made by limestone and surrounded by rice paddies. A fantastic view indeed! As soon as daylight gives way for darkness casting golden colors over these terrains – then come delicious local dishes which are prepared according to authentic recipes so that every dish tells its own story about Vietnamese rich culinary heritage.

On the other hand, Mai Chau provides an alternative but equally captivating environment for your countryside dinner setting. Situated within Hoa Binh Province where it nestles among hillsides covered in lush vegetation like typical bamboo forests lining river banks or rice fields stretching towards endless horizon under azure sky background – this place is truly picturesque indeed! In addition though not far away from hanoi city still maintains strong ethnic cultures vibrant colours during festivals such as new year holiday celebration called Tet Nguyen Dan etc…

So why should I choose Phoenix Voyages’ Dinner in the Countryside over other restaurants around my home town? Well simply put there isn’t any better option than theirs because everything they do reflects true culture while offering individual treatment at all times too; thus making each moment special starting from selecting freshest produce straight outta market till cooking them using various methods aimed at bringing out diverse flavors that represent different regions across Vietnam.

Phoenix Voyages’ Dinner in the Countryside either Ninh Binh or Mai Chau is a must do when travelling with friends. A meal is not only what you eat but also where and how it’s made; therefore this trip offers more than just food – it provides an insight into vibrant culinary culture of vietnam one bite after another

with a Dinner in the Countryside experience in Vietnam? Contact Phoenix Voyages today and let them craft the perfect itinerary for your culinary adventure in Ninh Binh or Mai Chau. 

25 January 2024