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We asked Daniela at Advantage Travel about their favourite dish from Ecuador and the Ecuadorian Hornado was the winner. 

Prepare yourself for a flavour explosion with Ecuador's crown jewel of street food Ecuadorian Hornado  This roasted pork delight is the culinary superstar of the highlands, and it comes with a sidekick ensemble of potato tortillas, mote (white corn), and a sweet-and-sour pickle party made with onion and tomato. Ecuadorians can't get enough of this dish because it’s a perfect flavour fiesta. You’ll find it in markets all over, tempting you with whole roasted pigs staring back at you (yes, with the head intact – it's like the pig's saying, "I dare you to resist my deliciousness!").

Now, the Hornado game changes from city to city. Some like it salty, others dry, and some juicy. But trust us, the Hornado from Quito is where it's at – it’s like the Goldilocks of roasted pork: just right.

Let’s get set the mood to cook this Ecusdorian Hornado.
Set your speaks to play  Chulla Quiteño

To quote Daniela "This is a traditional song that we listen to during the city's festivities in December, especially when we are playing a traditional card game named "Cuarenta". I enjoy listening to this song during this time of the year because it reminds me of my childhood and youth when we enjoyed the city's traditional celebrations, sharing with family and friends."

Ingredients Ecuadorian Hornado:

  • 1 whole pig (okay, maybe just a big ol' pork shoulder if a whole pig is a bit much for your kitchen)
  • Salt (enough to make the pork sing)
  • Garlic (because garlic makes everything better)
  • Cumin (for that earthy goodness)
  • A bunch of lard (let’s not kid ourselves, this isn’t diet food)
  • Beer (a bottle for the pork, and maybe one for you)
  • A bunch of onions and tomatoes (for the pickle party)
  • Mote (white corn – go big or go home)
  • Potato tortillas (because carbs are life)
  • Lemon juice (for that tangy zing)

How to Prepare  Ecuadorian Hornado :

  1. Prep Your Pig:If you're using a whole pig, give it a good wash and pat dry. If it's a shoulder, do the same but with fewer existential crises. Rub it down with salt, garlic, and cumin. Think of it as a spa treatment for the pork.
  2. Marination Vacation:Let your pork hang out in the fridge for at least a few hours, but overnight is better. It’s like a little marination vacation for maximum flavor absorption.
  3. Roasting Time: Preheat your oven to a low, slow 300°F (150°C). Slather that pork with lard, place it in a roasting pan, and pop it in the oven. Roast it for a few hours, basting occasionally with beer. The goal is tender, juicy meat with a crispy, golden exterior.
  4. Potato Tortilla Time: While your pork is roasting away, whip up some potato tortillas. Grate those potatoes, mix them with some flour and salt, and fry them up until golden and crispy.
  5. Mote Madness:Cook up that mote until it's tender. Think of it as the Ecuadorian version of corn on the cob, but better because it’s in Hornado.
  6. Pickle Party: Mix chopped onions and tomatoes with lemon juice, salt, and a dash of sugar. Let it sit and get all tangy and delicious.
  7. Final Assembly: Once your pork is done and looking fabulous, slice it up. Serve it alongside the potato tortillas, a heap of mote, and a generous spoonful of the onion-tomato pickle.
  8. Dig In and Enjoy: Gather your friends, family, or random people off the street. Hornado is best enjoyed with good company and a big appetite.

There you have it – a dish that’s a party on your plate and a feast for your senses. Whether you’re in Quito or your own kitchen, Hornado is a celebration of flavour you won’t want to miss. 

Why not try this dish in Ecuador on your next group trip? Plan your next trip here

24 May 2024