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DMC Amsterdam and sustainability

Our Commitment

Sustainability - At DMC Amsterdam we are fully committed to sustainability

  • All company vehicles are 100% electric
  • We manage our waste in the office and do not print more than is needed
  • We bike when we can to various venues
  • We have a selection of restaurants we work with that have organic produce
  • Food is grown locally
  • Food served is also seasonal
  • Almost all restaurants in The Netherlands have a waste program which manages their waste (separate paper, plastic and food). Larger restaurants give their left over food to farms to feed lifestock.
  • Frying fat is collected at restaurants and turned into Biodiesel.
  • Coaches, boats and vehicles that we use have the newest EURO 6 Diesel engines. Vehicles that do not have this are not even allowed into the city center of many Dutch cities (and therefore useless).

Empowerment, social responsibility:

  • We do not discrimininate (positive or negative). We therefore also do not empower. We judge people on skill and commitment (where commitment is more important for me than skill)
  • We have had interns help them gain experience
  • We have had refugees work here to gain experience
  • We do not under pay staff
  • We currently have 2 non Dutch staff members (talking about cultural diversity)
  • We do not under pay suppliers


Provide Running Water to a Community

Activities we do that are sustainable and responsible:

  • Plastic fishing (fish plastic out of canals of Amsterdam)
  • City tour done by homeless people (however, this is not really allowed any longer due to these homeless people not having permits that are nowadays required)
  • Build your own windmill
  • Landsailing

Next to that, during our program design:

  • We prevent the use of transportation as much as possible and suggest walking transfers
  • Initial restaurant suggestions (our first choice) mostly use organic produce
  • We try to use electric boats where we can

I also want to point out that sustainability and social responsibility are very well embedded in Dutch society and law. Experiments giving leftover food to ‘poor people’ failed completely because they did not want it. Everybody in The Netherlands has full access to the educational system and has the opportunity to be whatever they want to be.


Support local community


I do volunteer work at my local village (advising the the council on local matters)