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USA celebrates its 250th anniversary

Well, it is nearly somebody's birthday. In New York, the festivities will start on July 4, 2026 with an international parade of tall sailing ships in New York Harbor.The USA celebrates its 250th anniversary of the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence will be celebrated all over the States of course. However, some states will go out of their way to make this a special happening.


Boston already led the way with their Boston Tea Party. Celebrations were held on December 16th, 2023. Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 2023. For those of you who can't quite remember the facts of the orginal Boston Tea Party - it was an act of protest which brought about huge changes. 342 chests of tea were thrown into the Boston Harbor. No taxation without representation was their slogan. They protested the monopoly held by the East India Company.
Anyway, we missed this one, but more to come in 2026.

New York

New York is feverishly busy planning the grand celebration of of both the birth of the United States (July 2, 1776) and the birth of New York State (April 20, 1777, the day the first state constitution was approved). A series of events are already being planned. There will be a three day celerbation across New York harbor over the July 4th holiday. If you need help with your incentive or event in New York, please contact us!


As you may know, Philadelphia is the birthplace of American democracy, so what better place to celebrate America's birthday. And Philadelphia is going all out. Imagine festivals, exhibitions, tours across the city- from stoops to stadiums-in 2026.

USA celebrates its 250th anniversary - our US DMCs would love to assist you with your programs around these dates.

14 February 2024


We have researched the dates of this event for you. However, before you plan and book, please always check with the event organiser directly to see if there have been any changes and if the event still takes place.