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Events in Dublin to plan for

Events in Dublin

Events calendar Dublin: If you need more information about events that take place in our fabulous city, we are happy to assist. There is a lot going on, here just a few exciting offerings. If you need more assistance, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are here to help and are delighted to assist you.

Events in Dublin

Events in 2026

Events in 2027

Events in Dublin

Dublin is a heartful city full of life and the most vibrant cities you can find anywhere in the world. It is the center of events that cuts across the most classical Irish sect to the modern arts and music. It is evident in the city’s culture; events are often accompanied by lots of dancing and music with performances on the streets.

From St. Patrick’s Day, where there is plenty of green and the city gets filled with one specific color to several celebrations in the district, smaller ones associated with arts – Dublin is open to everyone. And even though it’s still a little more about the local Irish people or their traditional cultures, there are every day more and more modern things happening inspired with global cultures.

We strive to highlight all the main events, but if there's an event you think should be featured, please let us know at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We add events on a continuous basis. So if you want to stay informed of the latest information, please bookmark this page.

Additional Events in Dublin


As it is the case in Dublin on June 16, the Bloomsday is a tribute to the novel of James Joyce Ulysses. The literary fans put on old-fashioned clothes and do a walk-around in the City of the book’s characters stopping at places to perform readings and show dramatization. It’s a lovely day for a great appreciation of Dublin city’s literary works.

Dublin Fringe Festival

In the month of September every year, the Dublin Fringe Festival features innovative and personal works in the fields of theater, dance, music, and comedy. For two weeks, artists based in Ireland and beyond experiment with artistic ideas in various venues around the city. This is a fair of the art subculture where anyone and everyone is welcome to discover something extraordinary and different.